Beliefs are dangerous. Beliefs start wars, make history, and change the course of nations. Democracy, Communism, Nazism, Socialism, all began with simple beliefs. They grew to causes, good and evil, that people were willing to die for. Beliefs do that to a person.
Beliefs are passionate. When people "believe in" a candidate for President, they can become passionate about that person. When people "believe in" a sports team, they will cheer, scream, and even start fights with opposing fans.
Beliefs are personal. "Don't tell me what to believe - that's my right!" People say this. Beliefs are what make a person who they are.
So, what do you believe?
Is it a cause, a philosophy, a way of life, a person, an agenda, a family, or a Savior?
Do you believe in Christ? Really?
Sunday, we begin a journey that will take us through the coming summer as we look at the essential beliefs of a Christ follower. These beliefs are best articulated in a statement, or creed, many of us know very well - the Apostles' Creed. Many of us grew up reciting it in church. Yet do we truly believe it? Do we view the Apostles' Creed as tradition or truth? We will dig deep into the Creed, the Scripture to support it, and our own lives to see, truly, what we believe.
We hope you will join us this Sunday, as we begin with "I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth." Our Scripture focus will be Ephesians 2: 8-9, Ephesians 1: 2-7, 17-23, and Isaiah 45: 5-12.
We hope to see you Sunday. And, we hope you will invite someone who needs to truly believe in Jesus Christ, and to know why they should believe in Him.
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